Have a question about the program? Here are some frequently asked questions.  Don’t see your question here.  Browse “Our Program” page or check out the “Contact Us” page to get a personal answer. 

Games and practices will be held at the following schools: Dutchtown Middle School, Galvez Middle School, Prairieville Middle School and St. Amant Middle School along with the Lamar Dixon gym. The school you register with is also the school where your child’s team is based and where they will practice. Since Dutchtown only has one gym, some of those teams will practice at Lamar Dixon. However, games may take place at any of the host schools, plus Lamar Dixon. You will receive a game schedule from your child’s coach in early January.
Games are held every Saturday when the season starts. Practices are scheduled by each coach, and are usually held once per week, in the evening. You will receive a practice schedule from your coach by December 15th. Please be patient if you haven’t heard from your coach, when other teams have. Not all coaches are ready to practice at the same time.

No. Children need to be at least 5 years old by December 31, 2024 to play in the 2024 season.

Games start January 11th, 2025. Practices will start in mid December with the day determined by your team’s coach. Fees are $80 per child.

Under 8 – 28.5
Under 10M – 28.5
Under 11F – 28.5
Under 12M – 28.5
Under 14 – 29.5
Under 16 – 29.5

The 2025 season draft date is as follow:
Prairieville (11/3/24)
Dutchtown (11/10/24)
St. Amant (11/10/24)
Galvez (11/16/24).

The draft is for all children. Coaches and draftees assemble at their “home” school gym. Coaches make selections from the available children in their age group. Children who don’t show up for the draft will be randomly assigned to a team with spaces available. There is no draft for the under 8’s.

Not all coaches are ready to practice at the same time. You will be contacted by your son’s coach when he/she has set up practice times with their school gym commissioner. Please be patient. If you haven’t heard from your coach by December 10th, please email us.

To be fair, we have a draft for all age groups except the under 8, so as a player moves up to a new age group they automatically go into the draft. We do not allow a coach to move his team up with him when he moves up to the next age group.

If your child is in the under 8 age group, we do allow you to request teammates and/or coach and there is a section on the registration website to make that request. But we have a draft for all other age groups so, to be fair, we cannot allow a parent to pick and choose what team or who they want to play with or for. Since we use four schools in different parts of the parish, if you register with the school closest to your home, there is a very good chance one or more of the parents of the children on your child’s team will be able to provide transportation when you can’t.
We deliberately try to keep our fee as low as possible for everyone. We charge just enough to cover our costs (insurance, officials, parish fees, uniforrms, trophies, supplies, web hosting fees) so we are unable to provide a quantity discount for our parents.
To make it easy, we use the age of your child at the end of this year to determine their age group. So even if your child’s birthday is December 31st and they are only 7 when you register them, they will be 8 by the end of the year so they would be in the under 10 age group not the under 8.
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